This website is an expression of my work as an anti-imperialist, abolitionist, feminist activist and author, focusing on the past twenty-five years of my life.
I hope that this digital collection provides an overview of the work and thought I’ve generated over these decades and encourages people to check out my books, articles and organizing activities.
The website also serves as a space for me to take stock and interact with people who offer feedback about what is found here. In this way the site can stimulate new ideas, projects and conversations as I move through my elder epoch.


The Cuban Five Victory–
Reflections Ten Years Later
Counterpunch- December 27, 2024
La Victoria de los Cinco Cubanos: Reflexiones diez años después
Photo by Alejandro Azcuy Domínguez
I can remember clearly the rush of joy I felt when I heard the almost unbelievable news that the last three members of the Cuban 5, Gerardo Hernández, Antonio Guerrero, and Ramón Labañino, had landed in Havana on December 17th, 2014 after sixteen years of unjust incarceration in U.S. prisons. (The other two members of the Five, Fernando González, and René González, had been released previously at the end of their prison terms.) I had corresponded with Gerardo while he was in prison and seeing the pictures of him embrace his wife, Adriana Pérez, who was about to give birth to their daughter Gema, made it all seem even more miraculous. Gema had been conceived through “diplomatic conception/ artificial insemination” which had been facilitated by Senator Patrick Leahy with the approval of the U.S. government.




Header Image: March to support Inez García’s freedom in downtown San Francisco, 1974. Photo taken by Cathy Cade.